In C++, the std::vector container is a dynamic array that can resize itself automatically. A common need is to determine how many elements a vector currently holds. Enter the size function! This article will break down how the size function works, show you some practical examples, and give insights into related features of vectors.

In C++, the vector data structure provides a dynamic array-like mechanism. One of its many features is the vector::insert function, which allows for adding elements at any position in the vector. This article will dive deep into the use and intricacies of this function.

C++ offers several ways to manage elements in its containers. The erase function is a popular way to remove elements from the vector. In this article, we'll dive deep into using this function, understand its intricacies, and look at practical examples.

C++ offers various methods to work with strings. Among them, the substr function stands out as a way to extract specific portions of a string. In this article, we'll dive into the substr function, see how it works, and explore its numerous applications.

C++ offers a variety of tools to work with strings, and one of the most essential functions is string::size. In this article, we'll dive deep into this function, understand how it measures strings, and explore its real-world applications.

C++ offers numerous ways to search within strings. The string::find method is one of the most commonly used techniques to locate substrings. This article will guide you on how to effectively use this method, understand its behavior with various examples, and even craft a simple custom string search function.

The C++ language offers a variety of ways to manipulate strings. One of the most common operations is appending or adding one string to another. In this guide, we'll delve deep into the string::append function, exploring its features and benefits.

C++ boasts a rich collection of libraries, and the map container is among its gems. A key function within this container is map::find, which is essential for locating elements swiftly. In this article, we'll dive into the purpose of this function, explore its mechanics, and run through a practical example.

C++ offers many ways to handle mathematical tasks. One of them is the tan function which deals with angles. This article will help you understand and use this function, see it in action, and even create your own simple program using tan.

C++ offers a range of functions to navigate its containers. One such function, `count`, helps find if a key exists in a `std::map`. Dive in to learn how to use it, when it's handy, and see it in action.

C++ offers various ways to manipulate data. The push_back function is a popular way to add elements to a vector. In this article, we'll delve deep into this function, exploring how and when to use it, and discuss some intriguing aspects related to it.

This article teaches you how to use the print function in Python to write messages to the screen and to a file. We'll delve deep into this function and also look at the differences between Python 3 and Python 2.

In this article, we'll explore what a list in Python is, learn how to create lists, modify elements, use the list constructor, and much more.

The for loop in Python is essential when working with collections of any type. It lets you loop through lists, strings, and dictionaries. We'll go through lots of examples in this article.

The strcat function is used in C and C++ for string concatenation (joining). In this article, we'll go over how to use this function with examples. Plus, there are exercises at the end.

The ceil function in C and C++ rounds a number up. This article explores how to use it with examples, and even how to implement it. We'll also differentiate between `ceil`, `ceill`, and `ceilf`. There are exercises at the end for reinforcement.

The getline function in C++ is used to read a line. In this article, we'll dive into how to use this function with examples. Plus, there'll be exercises at the end to help you reinforce what you've learned.

The puts function is used in the C programming language to display strings on the screen using standard output. In this article, we'll explore examples of this function in action. We'll also create our own version of the function, and at the end, there are exercises for further practice.

The function fscanf is used in C and C++ to read values from a file. This article will show examples of how to use this function. Plus, there are exercises at the end!

The strlen function in C is used to count the number of characters in a string. In this article, we'll look at examples of its usage. Additionally, we'll implement this function ourselves, and wrap up with some exercises for further practice.

The strcmp function is used in the C programming language to compare two strings. In this article, we will break down how to use this function with examples. We will also implement this function ourselves and at the end, you'll find exercises for further practice.

Understand and implement the square root function in C and C++ with examples, differences between variants of the function, and exercises for reinforcement.

The exp function in C and C++ is used for calculating the exponent. This article will walk through examples of using this function and, at the end, provide exercises for further practice.

The sin function in C and C++ calculates the sine of an angle in radians. This article dives into how to use this function, complete with examples and exercises at the end.

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